The Eternity Project was highly inspired by the 'notion of absurdity' in existentialism, which indicates partially that we are living in a world full of meaninglessness which encompasses the amorality and cruelness. In this case fortunately both society and religions have pre-determined the fundamental values of being, thus it is more difficult to find the beings that we define ourselves to be. Through this project, I have synchronised with my past experiences by rebuilding a projection of my mind, an illusional, secluded, peaceful and isolated place. In a sense, I feel more connected to myself in this comfort zone.
Where are we? Why are we here? What are we?...... With such bemused questions, we struggle our whole life on finding the answers that truly respond to ourselves. We are constrained by the perception of both material and immaterial matters. Time for example, a fictional commodity every one of us wish to possess, to alter, as if death has drawn a final point at the end of life, which becomes the burden of our free existence.
Satre once said, 'we are left alone,without excuses, we can act without being determined by our own past which is always separated from us'. Are we meant to be alone eternally.